The launch of an inclusive, gender-sensitive Strategic Plan has provided a clear direction to ICDTs focus, scope and priorities for the next 5 years. It has provided a firm foundation and structure to the Trust as well as building credibility among its stakeholders. The process of developing the strategic plan has been an inclusive, participatory and consultative manner with key stakeholders such as the local communities, County Government of Isiolo, National Government, development partners and other stakeholders.

The Five Key Priority Areas of focus are:

  1. Lobbying and Advocacy
  2. Institutional Development and Knowledge Management
  3. Socio-economic Development
  4. Food and Nutritional Security
  5. Education, WASH, and Health


Lobbying and Advocacy


Objective Interventions Outcomes
Duty bearers are responsive to the needs of citizens and communities
  1. Capacity building in lobbying and advocacy government
  2. Advocacy on policy formulation, and implementation of county
  3. Provide vibrant civic education and engagement focusing on citizen rights and responsibilities
  4. Civic education on public participation, and adoption of Civic Education and Public Participation Policy
  5. Lobbying and advocacy for strict compliance to the citizen-focused regulatory and legislative frameworks
  6. Lobbying and advocacy for the registration of community land and titling for plot owners
  7. Lobby the county government to establish Sector Working Groups to enhance public participation.

a. Empowered citizens who are knowledgeable about government organization, procedures, and processes

b. Improved policies and laws and their implementation
c. Inclusion of all community stakeholders
d. Communities informed of policies relating to development




Objective Interventions Outcomes
To strengthen education system as well as the organization, structures, and knowledge management of ICDT members

1. Create awareness on the need of education for every child in our communities
2. Lobbying state and non-state actors to support school dropouts to go back to school.
3. Lobbying and advocating for an establishment and equipped vocational colleges in each sub county
4. Dialogue with communities on retrogressive cultural activities
Institutional Development
1. Capacity assessment of member organizations to establish gaps for strengthening
2. Provide technical training in program design and implementation, as well as resource mobilization and grants management
3. Building capacity of a network of community TOTs well trained in civic education and public participation
4. Establish knowledge management and learning platforms for member organizations

a. Increased registration of school going children
b. Improved literacy level
c. Existence of well-equipped vocational colleges
Institutional Development
a. Informed, self-driven, and economically engaged citizens and communities
b. Strengthened internal operating capacities and functions among
member- civil society, faith- based, private sector, and community organizations
c. Learning organizational culture among members


Socio-Economic Development


Objective Interventions Outcomes
Communities own, lead, and manage their own sustainable development Social Development
1. Life skills education; sexual and reproductive health; exchange and exposure programs; mentorship and role modelling
2. Drug awareness and education of the community
3. Work with the government to address the issue of supply and demand of drugs
4. Engage promotion of sports and talents
Economic Development
1. Lobbying and advocacy for favorable business environment
2. Establishment of a low interest Revolving Fund targeting MSMEs
3. Capacity-building of TOTs on
effective business practices, finance management, and life skills for onward training to small businesses
4. Work with the county government and communities to promote win-win eco- tourism
a. Children and youth are confident, able to make informed choices and decisions, and nurtured in functional family and community systems
b. Strengthened social- economic support mitigate the negative effects
of alcohol, drug, and substance use and abuse
c. Favorable business environment to attract and retain investments
d. Access to affordable credit
e. Persons with requisite business skills


Food and Nutritional Security


Objective Interventions Outcomes
Households and communities have adequate food and nutritional security 1. Value addition for livestock marketing
2. Undertake training and linkage of farmers various value chain in various wards
3. Promote chicken and fish farming for
household nutrition
4. Promote new technology e.g., fodder production, climate-smart agriculture
5. Support the d’edha system for planned grazing
6. Promote growth of drought-tolerant nutritious crops
7. Enhancement of extension services
a. Availability, accessibility, and affordability of sufficient, safe and nutritious food
b. Increased agricultural productivity
c. Strengthened agribusiness
d. Increased household incomes from agriculture


Health, Wash and Environment


Objective Interventions Outcomes
A healthy and a prosperous community Health
1. Lobbying the county government to equip and provide appropriate staff to deliver effective services.
2. Facilitation of member organizations to create awareness on mental health issues and PWDs
3. Negotiate health insurance covers for all our members
4. Promote the training of Community Health Workers
1. Advocate for increase access to clean water
2. Promote rainwater harvesting
3. Increasing strategic boreholes in strategic dry grazing areas.
4. Work with the country government to reduce open defecation in the county

a. Improved health status of the community
b. Communities are aware of their roles and responsibilities on health matters
c. Health facilities are properly equipped and staffed

a. Improved community based personal hygiene.
b. Improved access to water for domestic use
c. Improved access to water for livestock